About this server

This City of Heroes private server was created for friends to play together in a fun atmosphere.

There are 7 registered accounts holding 7 characters.

Account Management

To create an account, enter a username and password then click "Create Your Account". If you have an account and want to change your password, enter your existing username and password, then enter your new password and click "Change Your Password".

(maximum 14 characters; only letters and numbers)

(8 to 16 characters)

(8 to 16 characters)
Client Download

To download the client and be able to log in, please follow these steps:

  1. Download the client files from here.
  2. Unzip onto your Desktop
  3. Make a shortcut to the client by right clicking Ouroboros and create shortcut
  4. Place shortcut on desktop, right click shortcut then properties. Look at target section.
  5. Insert the following after ouroboros.exe" -patchdir ouro -noversioncheck -auth banes.world"
  6. Hit Apply,then OK. Run the application and login with the account created above.

To use Tequila or Creamsoda, please follow these steps:

  1. Download Creamsoda or Tequila from here.
  2. Add http://banes.world/manifest.xml to the manifests.
  3. Run the application and login with the account created above.


For support, please join us on Discord.

The game is free, donations accepted to maintain server Paypal Donation.